BBA Board Ready for Fabrication

Revised BBA Layout 9/20/10

Revised Bare Bones Amplifier

I had some free time this afternoon and was able to adjust my layout for the MAKE Bare Bones Amplifier.  The only real modifications I made was the removal of the ground plane in favor of a star ground connection and the re-maneuvering of a few parts to try to get the ground lines a little shorter.  Coincidentally, I will be sending out the fabrication files this evening to BatchPCB, a low-volume printed circuit board fabrication company.  With any luck, I should have the board in a week or two, ready to be populated.  If all goes well, I should have a working stereo again by the end of October.  As usual, stay tuned for future updates.

You can find a copy of the revised board and other BBA resources here.

In other news, you may have noticed that there is currently a single item for sale in the For Sale area of this site.  I finally finished up the last of the ArduinoBoys I had lying around on Friday and put them up for sale early Saturday morning.  Out of the initial 15 for sale, there is but one left.  This lone ArduinoBoy will be the last one I will be selling for some time, as I currently do not have the time in which to build anymore.  If you have been looking to buy an ArduinoBoy from me, this may be your last chance.

Categories: For Sale,Projects

Website Redesign

After a quick crash course in WordPress child themes, I have been successful in modifying a theme that had the layout I wanted into what I needed.  So far, I’m happy with it, but there are still plenty of changes I want to make (for instance, use a full size Gilberti Industries logo for the header title).

Those of you who are using Internet Explorer may have some problems viewing this page as a direct result.  This page uses a lot of transparent PNGs, and the last time I used IE I noticed that it turns transparencies white rather than displaying what is behind the graphic.  This may not hold true for IE 8, but it is still in your best interest to use something else for your web browsing needs.  I recommend Mozilla’s Firefox or Apple’s Safari.

Categories: Website