About and Contact


Anthony Gilberti

A Little About Myself:

My name is Anthony Gilberti.  I’m a graduate from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale with a Bachelors of Science degree in Electrical Engineering.  For me, engineering is not just a career choice.  Rather, I consider it a lifestyle.  I build things because I find the challenge fun and the thrill of having something I built work intoxicating (gives me an excuse to cackle and yell “IT’S ALIVE!” at the top of my voice).  Taking bits and pieces that have no outwardly apparent function and bringing them together into a coherent, operational form is my idea of a good time.

Contact Information:

If you have any problems with my site, or would like to contact me for whatever reason, you can email me at anthony@gilberti-industries.com. You can find a copy of my most recent resume here in PDF format.

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